As if an excuse was needed, Christmas certainly gives us a reason to dress up! I did the face painting for our Village Christmas fayre and this was the only thing I needed to dress Elin and I up in tutus. So, for one night, we were fairies! Its safe to say getting good photos is becoming increasingly difficult as Elin becomes more and more active. She also is a huge poser so getting any shots of her not flirting with the camera was actually really tough (why smile at mummy when there's a lens in my face?!) But I still sorta love these anyway.
I started this blog, in part, to encourage me to see the magic in every day. It's so so easy to get a bit lost and exhausted and fragile along the road and to document our journey it helps me see just how wonderful this life of ours really is. Even on the hardest of days I find taking a few moments to stop, write, and capture our memories really helps me put into perspective just how fortunate we are. With that in mind, today I'm gonna share 5 things that have made this week that little bit more magical!
1)All the Christmas lights in the village are on, Santa has been through town and the pub is decked out with holly and mistletoe! Its always lovely seeing the Christmas spirit oozing everywhere in December, Elin is hypnotised by the lights and it puts everyone in a better mood. We also got to meet reindeer this week! Now that's magical if you ask me.
2) I'm now within reasonable walking distance to the beach! We were always pretty close but the round trip with the buggy was getting pretty difficult as Elin packed on the pounds. I'm now right there and have decided come rain or shine, every day Elin and I will take a walk to the beach. A bit of fresh air in our lungs, a change of scenery and some sea air helps mix up the day and keep us both from going a little stir crazy. Its definitely going to be my resolution (why wait to the new year though?) to get to the beach every day. We're so lucky to live in such a beautiful spot so I'd like to make the most of it. Plus it will be good to get into that routine now before Elin actually starts asking to go and it won't be a shock to the system!
3) I'm thankful that after a really trying Thursday, James came home, bundled Elin in the pram and took her for a long walk. I quickly tidied and napped for 45 minutes before he came home and Elin and I were friends again. That nap was magical!
4) Elin's first words! She's been reeling off different sounds and noises for months now, but this week she's really been conversing a lot more. She repeats what we say and we can have a real back and forth conversation of sounds. I watch her as she studies our lips as we make a sound trying to figure out how she can do that too. Then, when James came home, she most definitely muttered several times before confidently saying 'Dada'. It was so wonderful. He's waiting for it to happen again before it counts but I sticking with that being her first word!
5) We found out our wedding is going to be featured in a French bridal magazine! its pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things but it still put a smile on my face when I found out.
I think it so important to let the little details put a smile on your face. The big things are brilliant but we have to let the little things build us up too. So getting dressed up as fairies with my little mini memade me happy and feel festive and feel blessed by my daughter. I think everyone needs to get dressed up in the name of Christmas and think of the little things that make the day a bit better!
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